What this is all about

Neue Zukunft (New Future) starts next spring as an online medium in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.But if you don't speak German or not so well, don't worry. Join us anyway. We need reporters, designers, programmers, organisers and so on. 

Contact us at info@neuezukunft.info, we look forward to hearing from you!.

The climate crisis requires a new kind of journalism. That's why we need you for our new online magazine. For a journalism that takes a critical look at the climate justice movement, but in a spirit of solidarity.

The conventional media are failing in the climate crisis and are not fulfilling their social mandate to provide orientation and integration.

Because special times need special journalism. We want to develop this together with you at Neue Zukunft. Journalism about and for the climate justice movement in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Professional, committed and close to the action.

We believe that the climate justice movement needs places where its various initiatives and players can exchange ideas, discuss strategies, and argue about effectiveness. In short, communicate with each other and organise together.

Neue Zukunft wants to become one of these places. Next spring, Neue Zukunft goes online as video, podcast, and text. Initially with a monthly edition. With different focalpo ints. After a short time, we will be publishing more frequently. And in different formats.

And that's what it's all about:

  • Strategies, for example. Who has the plan? Who determines the direction? Is there a common denominator? How can this be found and developed?
  • For example, alliances. Who works with whom, why and how? Or why not? Where is there competition within the movement and 'fear of contact'?
  • For example, understanding. Is the climate justice movement divided? And is that productive? Are activists still being criminalised? How do you reach and involve disadvantaged sections of the population? What does it take to overcome divides?

Currently, we are a team of seven people from Germany and Switzerland that are backed by colleagues who support our project.

But we want and need to become more. Contribute your skills and expertise, share your knowledge and learn from others.